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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dugg, FireStorm and UI

Well, we got Dugg. Good thing that everything is hosted on Google, as I have been Dugg before, and my servers don't cope very well!

A few other things (I may as well put them all in the one post)...

I had a email from Ben, who is running the FireStorm project, which is similar to BitFox, and we hope to be able to work together to (possibly) make a single extension, but we will probably have the 2 projects while in early development. I am going to speak with him later and I will let everyone know more here.

As for the UI, I have taken a break from XPCOM, as it isn't the easiest thing to understand (I will get back to it later), I will hopefully have a UI for BitFox up soon (just a basic one, will probably change). The idea: All the C++ code is as components, and then those components can be accessed by the extension, which will then download the torrent and display everything in the UI. Can't be that hard right?....

1 comment:

Seventoes said...

BitFox + FireStorm = BitStorm? I like it.