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Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Libtorrent is a open source C++ library for BitTorrent transfers, which, is exactly what is needed for BitFox to work.

I should have a link between XPCOM and some of the C++ code up soon, hopefully, assuming everything works out.


Matt said...

will the client be like uTorrent or bittorrent? I mean will you be able to download individual files inside the torrent or will you have to download the whole thing?

Josh said...

The early versions of BitFox will just offer downloads, and that is about it, but the closer I get to 1.0 release, I will incorporate features like:

Pause, Resume and File Cooser.

Thanks for asking!

Mihai said...

And, the most important thing about bittorent: will it allow uploading ?
If not, I'm afraid it will be baned for leeching.

Josh said...

When it is done, it will allow both uploading and downloading. At first, it probably you won't be able to control it much (ie, cap it).

There is no good BitTorrent client that doesn't allow uploading.

Unknown said...

I've been using a bittorrent-client on my ubuntu-box that actually uses libtorrent. I'm very satisfied: its fast, efficient, low-fat.

The client-program is not that great and integration within firefox would make much more sense.

Using libtorrent would be perfect, because you can also make it available for Linux ;-)

Josh said...

As I said on the main page, this is tested mainly under Linux, as I am a Ubuntu user.

I wouldn't have it any other way :)